The verdalas were born as mandalesque drawing meditations on paper.

Carl Jung believed that creating mandalas offers a safe refuge of inner reconciliation and wholeness”, providing a sacred space into which we can invite the Self. I did not know this when I sketched my first verdalas in Firenze (Italy) in November 2018. They came out unexpectedly, feeling at the same time as an escape, expression and meditation.

The first 3 verdalas were Creativity unravelled, Forgiveness, and Heart on fire. The rest of the current verdala collection was drawn in Portland (Oregon) mostly during 2019 while working at my Phd in applied anthropology.

All verdalas start with a central dot, on a 4.5 x 6 inch piece of white paper, and evolve outward. The design unfolds organically and unplanned, while I pay attention to the thoughts and emotions that bubble up. Once I feel complete, I capture the main message I received and worked thru while drawing, which gives name to the verdala. Some of the verdalas sprung from personal emotional journeys, many from empathic connection with collective subconscious experiences.

I am honored to share my (he)art with those resonating with its frequencies, as the verdalas are now available on clothes and home decor items. Each verdala represent a potent process— I encourage to tune into the energy of both design and message when choosing one.

With and in love,
